Christmas brooches, chocs & doggie treats at TRACC!

The children at TRACC Out of School club have been producing lots of Christmas goodies to sell, as you can see from all the pictures!

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The chocolate is selling for £1 per bag, the brooches for £2 each, and the dog biscuits for £1 a bag. Proceeds raised will be used to take the children for hot chocolate and cake locally, and any remaining funds will be spent to create a food hamper that will be donated to the food bank in Tain.

My dog will is happy to vouch for how tasty the doggie treats are! There are still some items for sale and I am happy to take orders, as long as we can get the items to you easily.

Fiona Morrison, CALA Childhood Practice Manager

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 © Care and Learning Alliance, 2014


About CALA Childhood Practice

We offer Childhood Practice and Learning Support Services for children 0-16 and their families, with over 300 members working throughout the Highlands, Moray and Argyll & Bute.
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1 Response to Christmas brooches, chocs & doggie treats at TRACC!

  1. Norma Ruettimann says:

    Fabulous work by staff and children at TRACC, so enterprising – well done all!

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